Saturday, August 3, 2013

Have we really forgotten to look at nature?

Date 02.08.2013.

I sometimes think if people have forgot their basic nature of living in the real 'Nature' or at least looking at the nature around them. People of course resort to their inner natural tendency, when they resort to violence in the name of protests or when they demand a separate state like Telangana and other states of India.

Speaking of different states, now people are demanding their own state like Gorkhaland, Saurasthra, Kutchch, and what not. They are simply undoing, what Sardar Patel did 60 years ago, by uniting different kingdoms and Raj's.

Sorry, I went off the wrong lane in this blog of my travel diaries. I wanted to write about the nature. Anyways, how many of us people really think to look at nature, in our daily lives? We may think of planting trees once a year, or going to a forest once a year in our busy lives, but have we forgot to really look and appreciate the nature around us and in turn, appreciate that 'inner being' in us, who is looking to jump forward always.

Have we looked at the stars at a clear sky carefully, like we used to? Do we now look at the wonderful animals around us and appreciate them for their usefulness in our daily lives? Not anymore I guess, after the corporate culture set in and sends us home, tired hungry and sleepy.

There are only few people remaining, I guess, who wake up in the middle of the night specially to see meteors falling in the sky or look at the stars and wonder how tiny humanity is, and marvel at nature.

I have an interest in photography and always carry my camera with me when I travel. Yesterday, on my way back from my office, I happened to pass through a wonderful scene on a road. It caught my attention. A calf was drinking milk of its mother cow and the cow was taking utmost care of not disturbing it. It would get angry if any human being stopped nearby fearing for its calf.

How wonderful the scene was! When I started my camera, the cow became cautious and looked at me like I was going to hurt its calf. Motherly love. I quickly captured the scene and left the place.

It would be a better nation to be in or a better world to be in, if all people appreciate nature in their daily lives and contribute in some way
